3 reasons why emails can transform your business

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Ben.

Ben provides coaching services and religiously creates content on social media in hopes of acquiring clients. But he struggles to consistently reach his target audience thanks to the volatile algo.

The algo behaves like someone trying on 10 outfits before a big event. Each time you think you've adapted, it shifts again with a new set of rules to follow.

Every time the algo changes, his reach and business are affected - for better or worse (often worse.)

The results? Erratic engagement and inconsistent growth.

It threatened Ben's dream of quitting his 9-5 to coach full-time and achieving personal freedom.

“Victims of Social Media Algo”

If you find Ben's story familiar, welcome to the club “Victims of Social Media Algo.”

(Yes I made that up)

If you’ve been creating content on social media, you know how fast things can change.

One week you’re getting decent engagement. The next, you’re nearly invisible, leading to an emotional rollercoaster and fluctuating sales.

Let’s not forget the increasing difficulty of playing the social media game.

Let’s take Instagram for example.

A few years ago, all you had to do was post pictures and get eyeballs and traffic.

Then came carousels, instead of a single picture post, now you gotta make 10 to pop off.

But that’s not the end.

When TikTok came in like a wrecking ball, Mark the Lizardman made Reels the Golden Boy. Now it takes 15x the time and effort for the same results you’ve gotten during single picture post days.

You hate it.

But if you don’t give the algo what it wants, you get punished by slashing your reach. No eyeballs = no growth = no clients.

You are at the mercy of the lines of code.

Own your audience

To build a sustainable online business, you can’t leave your future in the hands of social media. You must create an asset that you own.

Your best bet? Email marketing.

Unlike social media where you have no control, email marketing gives you 100% control. It’s a powerful tool to connect with your audience, build relationships, and drive sales for you.

Not convinced? I didn’t expect you to be (yet.) Read on and your business and life might change forever.

Here are 3 reasons why you’re leaving a ton of money on the table if you’re not utilising email marketing:

1. Direct line to your audience

Unlike social media where you have no control over who sees your content, email marketing is like having a direct line to your audience.

If you have 1000 people on your list, you know that 1000 people will receive your email when you hit “send.”

This ensures higher visibility and engagement compared to social media posts.

At this point of writing, I have 3600+ followers on 𝕏. But the average impressions on my posts is around 1.5k. And only a portion are my actual followers.

With your email list, your reach is 100% predictable and controllable.

When your audience is reading your emails, they’re giving you 100% of their attention.

Why? There isn’t a subsequent post that’s creeping under yours.

Combine a direct line with the next point and give your business a deadly edge over your competitors.

2. You’re not talking to irrelevant people

When built right, your email list becomes an assembled group of people with specific demographics or psychographics.

I started as a productivity coach and grew my email list by giving free deep work and procrastination guides. The people who subscribed to my list naturally want to get better at productivity.

Which makes them qualified prospects for my coaching services.

Now, I can send emails relevant to their situations, add value, and nurture them to buy from me eventually.

The best indicator of a successful business? Your ability to put yourself in front of and talk to targeted traffic.

But how do you optimise that? By using data:

3. Measurable results and long-term value

Email marketing is highly measurable. You get insights into open rates, click rates, conversion rates, etc.

These analytics give you the data required for making informed decisions to scale your business.

If people like a particular topic more, give them more of it.

What gets measured gets managed.

That’s the quantitative side of things.

What’s arguably more powerful is the qualitative benefits.

You're building relationships and fans when you write frequently to your list. Followers don’t buy. Fans do.

You want your audience to know, like, and trust you. That lays the foundation for a successful business.

As Kevin Kelly said, you only need 1000 “diehard” fans who will buy anything you do.


Relying solely on social media for your business is like building your house on rented land.

Social media platforms work the same as your landlord can change the terms or rental anytime, leaving you with limited control and stability.

They operate on algorithms that are constantly changing and beyond your control.

On the other hand, email marketing is like owning your piece of land.

You have complete control over your environment and can build and customise it to suit your long-term needs.

It provides a stable foundation that isn't subject to the risks of an external landlord (the social media platforms and their algos.)

With email marketing, you get to:

  • Control who sees your content.
  • Scale your list and business with the correct data.
  • Enjoy compounding effects as you grow and nurture your audience.
  • Gather qualified prospects and talk to them at scale (sending an email to 2 people takes the same time as 2000 people.)

Stop sleeping on this asset.

P.S. Want to increase your revenue with email marketing without writing emails? We got your back. We write highly-converting emails for our clients at Trident Digital.

Pop by TridentDigital.co and get all your questions answered.

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