You’re working on the wrong things

Hey friend,

Hope last week’s been well for you.

It’s safe to say last week was the most “exciting” week of my 26 years of life. Things are moving real fast in my personal life.

I entered my new (and bare af) house for the first time — 4.5 years wait for this moment. It feels surreal to be a home owner + have a mortgage to pay for now.

Who wants a video?! 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

And we’ve made massive progress in our wedding planning despite countless headaches.

There were many heart attack moments but thankfully they were all resolved.

Amid the busyness, I got reminded of a short but important business lesson:

If you’re putting in the work but not getting the results you want, you’re working on the wrong things.

Here’s what happened:

Carlo and I (in case you don’t know who Carlo is, he’s my business partner and we co-founded an email marketing agency together) recently created a new content strategy to attract potential clients.

Our content is valuable (I’m totally not biased) but…

We overlooked a big problem: we’re not getting in front of the right people and we’re not making enough offers.

Coming out with a fancy content strategy is great, but we had to return to the basics which are:

  1. Have a damn good offer
  2. Put it in front of the right people i.e. your target audience/ICP
  3. Demonstrate ability

We have 1 and 3, but 2 is missing. And that caused our system to break down.

It’s so easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind and forget the big picture.

If you’re playing the "make online money game", chances are there are short-term and long games.

Short-term games should get you paid NOW but the tasks are painful to do. E.g. cold outreach, cold DMs, hopping on sales calls, etc.

The long game is where you’re building up your brand and authority to attract inbound leads.

Both are important but if you want to quit your job in the next 3 months, you need to double down on the short-term game.

Hard work is not the complete solution.


Your goal is to make money - use that to guide your actions.

Highest revenue Medium article last week:

  1. Wanna Quit Your 9-5 But Not Making Money Online Yet?

My fav content this week:

We love Alex Hormozi.

He dropped countless golden nuggets in this and I highly recommend you watch it. My no.1 takeaway is that goals are arbitrary and it only has meaning because you gave it one. Imagine this:

Say you made $100,000 in 2023 and set a goal to make $1mil in 2024. Come 31 Dec 2024 — You made $200,000.

Would you feel happy or upset? Chances are you’ll feel upset because you failed your goal by a huge margin. How screwed up is that? You 2x-ed your income yet you feel like a failure.

Instead of results-based goals with strict deadlines, make doing the work the goal.

1 Question for you:

How will you convert your results-based goals into input-based goals?

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