“Chop wood carry water”

I was listening to Ali Abdaal’s podcast with Ryan Holiday.

Loved it so much I relistened to my favourite sections immediately, something I’ve never done before.

Here’s what favourite part which I believe will benefit you (in my own words):

When we post online, it’s easy to be fixated on the numbers.

But here’s what’s funny.

If a post pops off, we’ll be constantly checking the impressions and our follower growth.

It’s almost like our reward for doing a good job is distraction and unproductivity — how are you gonna do focused work if you keep checking the numbers?

On the contrary, if a post doesn’t do well, we won’t wanna look at it because it makes us feel bad.

And the result of that is… we move on to the next piece of work which is far better for us.

What you want to achieve is getting into a rhythm.

“chop wood carry water”

If a post does well, you chop wood carry water. If a post doesn’t do well, you still do the same — chop wood carry water!

What that means is the results of your posts shouldn’t affect what you fundamentally need to do which is creation.

Isolate the main thing you need to do, and get into a rhythm of doing that thing rain or shine.

For Ali Abdaal, his main thing is creating YouTube videos.

For Ryan Holiday, his main thing is write.

What’s yours? And don’t let the numbers get a hold on you.

Honestly, I might have butchered the essence of this advice because I’m just riffing off from my memory.

So to get the maximum value, I recommend that you listen to the entire episode, here’s the link for your convenience:https://youtu.be/lf8SKIJA1qE?si=f2wAcc7cKtNDmi6Y

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