How Justin Welsh manages his time

Few days ago, I was watching Justin Welsh’s course and he shared how he manages his time as a solopreneur.

These are the actual steps shared:

  1. List out all your tasks in detail
  2. Rank them based on their impact on your goals
  3. Write out the amount of time you spend on each task per week
  4. Divide 2 over 3 to get the impact-to-time ratio
  5. Rank them from highest to lowest
  6. Start to eliminate, automate, simplify, and delegate (EASD)

After you’ve EASD-ed your tasks, what’s left over are the 20 of your 80/20.

These are the tasks we wanna spend most of our time on because they help us achieve our goals.

The next step? Time block these into your calendar.

The productivity crackhead in me has already EASD most of my tasks as they come along.

But this was a nice exercise to capture everything from the top-down view.

For every task you’re doing that can be EASD, you’re making yourself poorer.

I’ve simplified and automated tasks when possible. But delegation is the real deal:

3 months ago, I delegated all my editing and publishing work to my fiancé because he wanted to help me with my business.

Once I wrote something, I just put it under his section of our shared Notion page and he takes care of everything else.

Since then, all I had to focus on were the needle movers of my business:

Writing and client acquisition.

It frees up so much time and headspace (something people don’t give two shits about.)

That’s why successful people will not hesitate to delegate and outsource tasks. And that’s where comes in to help creators and coaches outsource their emails. That way, they can spend more time on the work that moves the needle AND can’t be outsourced.

The result? Increased revenue — without a doubt.

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