An update

Hey friend,

I haven’t written an email in two weeks.

Nah I wasn’t slacking off or traveling (I wish.) I was reevaluating my entire business and how to spend my time more effectively.

Carlo and I have embarked on a new direction with Trident Digital. Our audience on 𝕏 and email lists are not our ICP.

This brought up a question: does it make sense to send multiple emails a week if you’ve nothing to sell?

The answer is no.

These emails are fun to write, but producing 3-4 emails a week still takes time and effort.

The truth is… If a task doesn't bring you closer to your goals, you’re not moving the needle. And your time can be better spent elsewhere.

Unfortunately these fun, high-frequency emails fall under that bucket.

Which leads to… What now?

The easy way out is to stop sending emails since it’s not a revenue-generating activity. But if you were to think long-term, an email list is still one of the best assets you can build.

It might not generate revenue now, but it can in the future. Not to mention the enjoyment I get from writing emails - I always envision sitting opposite you in a café and chatting.

Since I want to continue writing emails, the question is what, how, and when.

We're flooded with daily emails, rightfully so since most of them have something to sell and that's the proven strategy.

But not me, so I’m gonna zag.

I started to look at whose emails I consistently read for years.

There’s only ONE winner — Ali Abdaal.

Every week, he writes a newsletter sharing what he did/learned that week. And he does it in a way that comes across like a friend having a conversation (do you see where I got my inspiration from haha). Then he ends with a bunch of videos he put out, any cool things he saw online that week.

That’s the style I’m gonna adopt and adapt:

  • One (most interesting/crucial) lesson I learned last week
  • Best content I read/consumed last week
  • Top-performing articles I wrote
  • 1 question for you to ponder
  • Once a week

All geared towards helping you grow your online business and live a better life.

In short, lower frequency but higher quality emails that are focused on adding value to you.

Since there’s no commercial use for my 𝕏 account and email list, it makes sense to use them as platforms to share what I learned and the stuff I think has value.

That’s it for the update and we officially start next week!

Switching directions always makes me uneasy but it’s the right thing to do rather than beating a dead horse.

If you’re not happy with what you’re doing, take a step back, reassess, and make changes.

Nothing is set in stone.

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