Why you should write 1,000 words every day

Hey friend!

I was listening to a podcast with Nathan Barry.

Nathan Barry founded ConvertKit, the email service software that made $41 million in 2023 (I contributed some dollars to that number, why do I feel proud haha)

Before he started ConvertKit 10 years ago, he was doing all sorts of stuff. There was one habit he attributed his success to:

Write 1,000 words every day

Somewhere between 2012 to 2015, he wrote 1,000 words every day and kept that streak for 600 days.

In that period, he self-published 3 e-books, wrote tons of blog posts and content, and made 6-figures from this habit alone.

We often overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in a decade.
Bill Gates

Writing 1,000 words every day is simple, but not easy. You have a holiday trip coming up, your kid peed his pants, and life… happens.

But the consistency makes all the difference.

The thing about habits is that many will keep a habit for 3 days, but only a handful will be left standing after 3 years.

By staying in the game, you would’ve won 99% of your competition.

Let’s not forget about the compounding effect. All the entrepreneurs and creators you look up to have put in the reps to enjoy the compounding effect.

I had two other big takeaways. They weren’t new information but it reframed the way I think about them.

1. Teach what you learn

This is me attempting to do this now.

Here’s a quote from Nathan:

“You’ve got to pay it forward with education. Not only is it a great gift for the people coming after you, but it will also help gather attention and attention can be converted into sales. So it’s both a life philosophy and a marketing strategy.

If you teach what you know and do it consistently, the attention will come. The audience will build, and you can eventually turn that into product sales or a great business.”

He summarized it perfectly but I’ve one point to add:

You might feel like “Oh I don’t want to give people the shortcuts/my secrets away.”

I get you.

Back when I was a productivity coach, I was initially afraid of tweeting my productivity secrets. I feared that if I teach everything, then there’s no need to hire me.

But truth is… information is useless. People can read, learn, and do COMPLETELY NOTHING with it.

So teach generously. Only good things will come from it. 😊

2. Work in public

This is similar to building in public.

Share what you’re building, discuss the thought process and how you make certain decisions, and the results from building.

E.g. You wanna build a course. Most people would build the course, sell it, and call it a day.

Instead of that, you can go one step further by sharing how you built the course, how much you made, what's your launch sequence, etc.

When you show your work, people will follow your journey, and your audience & business will grow.

Hope these inspired you as much as they did for me.

My 2 fav articles written last week:

  1. 6 Things I Wish I Knew At 20
  2. The Start IS Supposed to be Hard

My fav content this week:

33 book summaries in 20 mins

Looking for new books to read? Mark gotcha back.

I don’t think summaries can replace books. But it makes a damn well filter for deciding which ones deserve your time and attention.

Let’s play a game together — let's both choose one book to read in March from the video. I've made my choice: The Expectation Effect.

1 Question for you:

What’s one thing that if you do every day, will change the course of your life?

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