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I have a confession

I have a confession. Ever since I came back from Japan, my routines were thrown off. I got back into my deep work mornings (duh) because I felt like I lost out on time and progress while I was slurping Ramen in Osaka. (Logically I know it’s not true because I benefitted from stepping away for 2 weeks) BUT I’ve been slacking off with my evening habits. In case you’re wondering what’s on the menu… Meditation Visualisation Journaling Reading So wholesome right? 😬 Well, they’re good habits as we...

Hey friend, Today I wanna talk about Mr Beast’s formula for success and extract ideas for you. In case you’re unfamiliar with Mr Beast… He’s only 25 years old. He accumulated 44,920,649,815 views. He has 245 million YouTube subs, making him the 2nd most subscribed channel. ABSOLUTE BEAST. No pun intended (don’t tell me you believed that.) So how did he win YouTube and what can we learn from him? There are 3 pieces to the puzzle: Attract attention, keep attention, deliver. The start For...

Hey friend, Hope last week’s been well for you. It’s safe to say last week was the most “exciting” week of my 26 years of life. Things are moving real fast in my personal life. I entered my new (and bare af) house for the first time — 4.5 years wait for this moment. It feels surreal to be a home owner + have a mortgage to pay for now. Who wants a video?! 🙋♂️🙋♀️ And we’ve made massive progress in our wedding planning despite countless headaches. There were many heart attack moments but...

Hey friend, Last week was THE MOST EXCITING week of my life. Without getting into the details because it’ll take too long… I’m getting keys to my new home after a 4.5-year wait (good news.) And thanks to some unexplainable traditions, I’m rushed to have my wedding on 31 March (bad news because I’ve 10% of the time to prepare for an event that usually takes 12 months.) Just yesterday, I had zero idea how I was gonna plan for a wedding, kickstart, and oversee the renovation process, while not...

Hey friend! I was listening to a podcast with Nathan Barry. Nathan Barry founded ConvertKit, the email service software that made $41 million in 2023 (I contributed some dollars to that number, why do I feel proud haha) Before he started ConvertKit 10 years ago, he was doing all sorts of stuff. There was one habit he attributed his success to: Write 1,000 words every day Somewhere between 2012 to 2015, he wrote 1,000 words every day and kept that streak for 600 days. In that period, he...

Hey friend, I haven’t written an email in two weeks. Nah I wasn’t slacking off or traveling (I wish.) I was reevaluating my entire business and how to spend my time more effectively. Carlo and I have embarked on a new direction with Trident Digital. Our audience on 𝕏 and email lists are not our ICP. This brought up a question: does it make sense to send multiple emails a week if you’ve nothing to sell? The answer is no. These emails are fun to write, but producing 3-4 emails a week still...

I was listening to Ali Abdaal’s podcast with Ryan Holiday. Loved it so much I relistened to my favourite sections immediately, something I’ve never done before. Here’s what favourite part which I believe will benefit you (in my own words): When we post online, it’s easy to be fixated on the numbers. But here’s what’s funny. If a post pops off, we’ll be constantly checking the impressions and our follower growth. It’s almost like our reward for doing a good job is distraction and...

Yoooo how’s it going? I started my week AMAZINGLY because I secured concert tickets to one of my favourite artiste. I’ve been to >10 concerts (I don’t want to count because my heart might ache at the amount of money I spent on concerts alone) but this is the first time I got blown away. Let me tell you the dirty details from the start… Two months ago, I started listening to this guy called Elijah Woods and I fell hard for his music. After binging his songs non-stop for two months, I was...

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Ben. Ben provides coaching services and religiously creates content on social media in hopes of acquiring clients. But he struggles to consistently reach his target audience thanks to the volatile algo. The algo behaves like someone trying on 10 outfits before a big event. Each time you think you've adapted, it shifts again with a new set of rules to follow. Every time the algo changes, his reach and business are affected - for better or worse (often...

Few days ago, I was watching Justin Welsh’s course and he shared how he manages his time as a solopreneur. These are the actual steps shared: List out all your tasks in detail Rank them based on their impact on your goals Write out the amount of time you spend on each task per week Divide 2 over 3 to get the impact-to-time ratio Rank them from highest to lowest Start to eliminate, automate, simplify, and delegate (EASD) After you’ve EASD-ed your tasks, what’s left over are the 20 of your...